Saturday, July 2, 2011

Anger, the nitrous for ambition

Took awhile for me to think of a new post. What happened to bring this up is inconsequential but I realized something.

Anger is a high octane fuel for change.

More like nitrous.

Think about it.

How did the US of A come about? Well, good King George thought he could tax the ever living daylights out of something all colonists used, tea. People got pissed, the Tea Party happened, GKG responded with more fuel, viola!

Anger is not a sin! In fact, Jesus expressed it quite a bit. Do you think he looked down and mumbled "You brood of vipers"? How about when he over turned table at the temple?

Anger is a powerful additive, in the correct dosages. Just like nitrous, it can blow you up and you are left to pick up the pieces.

Love is the fuel, anger provides a boost.

What happens when nitrous is added? It adds O2, oxygen, when burned. People who use it have a LOT of fuel being sprayed into the engine but they need a way to burn it all. Sure, supercharging and turbo-charging, adds a lot forced air (oxygen) but it gets hot when compressed. You can only go so big before the charger is not insides its efficiency range putting it in danger of blowing up. Enter nitrous. Spray it in  for a quick boost and be able to spool a larger charger for awesome POWER!

If it is added to soon, it can back fire and blow the intake off the car with everything connected to it. Too much on a gas engine makes it goes way to lean (not enough gas) and burns holes everywhere effectively giving you a window when a piston gets chucked out  the side of the block.

Just like the fuel-to-nitrous ratio, love-to-anger needs to be right. Anger to soon and it back fires on you. Too much and you burn an image into your soul while destroying it.

Just remember to make sure you have enough love before adding anger. Sadly, most people don't.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Stand-Alones and Chips

No, we are NOT talking about Lays and desert-bred rebels.

Actually, we are talking about cars and both of these do the same thing but differently.

For example...

Say you want to add more horsepower so you do the typical cold air intake (CAI). It helps the engine get cooler air, which science tells us is denser. Denser air holds more O2 which is VITAL to combustion in the cylinder chamber.

But that doesn't do it for you. Since you have more air going in, more needs to come OUT! So the typical exhaust upgrades happen.

YAY! Now you just spent $700+ to make another 10-20 HP. Congrats!

Yep. Now you add bigger fuel injectors for more oomph. That is what really benefits. More fuel plus more air means bigger boom. It all come together until your Check Engine Light comes on saying it is too rich (too much fuel). What happened?

Nothing really. You just added stuff (injectors) which made some sensors detect an anomaly that is outside of preset parameters. So it cuts down to barely running.

That is where chips and stand-alone engine management (SEM) come into play. They modify the cars ECU (brain) slightly so what it now see is supposed to happen. It resets the parameters to the "new" safe levels.

But again, we have 2 different things going on here.

Chips are something a tuner makes, finds it works with certain parts added (20% bigger injectors, 2.5" exhaust, stock intake for example), makes so much horsepower, and is reliable. It modifies incoming signals to fool the ECU into thinking everything is pie in the sky. Anyone can buy these parts, add them, add the chip, and viola! You now have a car that makes a reliable XXX horsepower, and you didn't have to think too much.

Stand-alone engine management (From here on out, SEM) does exactly what the name implies. It manages the engine apart from the manufacturers original ECU (brain). It is its own brain and controls the car in its own way. But how does it? You tune it. You have FULL control of how your engine now acts. You can say what's bad and what's good.

SEMs are the cats meow for all out power. The stock ECU is never enough in most cases. It can only do what the original manufacturer made it for. Chips modify, SEMs replace. They also have a downside, user error. You can do something the slightest bit wrong and you will see bearings shoot out from under the car. Bye-bye engine!

The same is true for everyone who is born on this planet.

We are all pre-wired from God the day we are born. When we grow up, we adapt and add things to our lives. Our stock brain gets modified every time something is added. Things like:


Now when we learn something, our brain gets a chip. Whether the chip is bad or good is from the experience.

Now the that vile Serpent, Satan, wants to keep replacing chips and limiting our potential.

In fact, even Christian LEADERS do this. They add a bit of information, change a few parameters (verses out of context for example), and now you have a "new" chip.

Now, I am currently rewiring my body to accept this new CLM (Christ Life Management). I am needing somethings upgraded and somethings removed. The stuff being removed are senseless to the new Management. They serve no purpose and, in fact, inhibits proper function. Yes, they were installed but necessary for proper function.

Romans 12:1-5 says it best. (NLT)

 1 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
 3 Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us. 4 Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, 5 so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.

 Even here, Paul gives us a warning. Do NOT think you are better than the original guy! He knew how it was gonna run because He built it. He knows the ins and outs.

So, who wants to replace their unit for a better one? I do!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Today's sermon from Bishop Mpemba

So I am about to leave for a V-Dub weekly gathering but before I do, just some things that impressed me about todays sermon from Mpemba who came from Kenya, Africa.

~You are not forgiven when you confess your sins. No, it is because of Jesus blood you are forgiven. Without that blood, you are NOT forgiven.

~ Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He can heal today like He did 2000 years ago. [I have always been skeptical of faith healings, primarily from my church background. And because I am a EMT...]

~We pray, "God, give us this day our daily bread." You pray, "God, give us this day our monthly bread". Why? You are self-sufficient. That is what is wrong with you Christians.

I am sure there are more I forgot but these stood out.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

1st Post, 3rd Blog

Hey everyone!

So I am attempting my 3rd start at a blog.

1st one failed because jumped in on the blogging bubble 3 years ago and didn't know how to, much less have anything to write about. 2 posts in 6 months.

2nd didn't fail per se, but it was started to "lead others to Christ". So, I hit a road block. I had 3 posts in 1 year but those posts were of my old Christian walk. One where I blindly followed the blind person in front of me.

So here is the 3rd one, inspired by my wife, an avid blogger. Yep, my WIFE!!! She is such an inspiration to me in the blogging world. I love her a lot and something she said 1-2 months ago go me thinking.

I went on and on about how I was fixing my current vehicle (1998 VW Golf with the blazing fast 2.ssssllllooooww 4 cylinder and a 5 speed manual transmission. BOO YAH!) and how it related to my walk with God. She got tired of it and told me to find some other car nut to explain this to as it was over her head. My lovely bride is a artsy person, no sense of mechanics of the iron and aluminum sort. Sorry hun! LOL!

Well, in my small town, there are not too many Christian car nuts, let alone ones who loved diesels or V-Dubs. Ugh! Frustration abounded.

Now, I don't have too much money to play with. Most go to bills and general living. So I have nothing to really do in the evenings (being I live in an apartment. No outside work to do nor can I really touch the inside...) but either 1) Sit and veg in front of the TV (only what we have on DVD, no cable or rabbit ears) or 2) sit and read. I love reading and expanding my thinking. So when I find car forums to my liking, I read, read, read, read, learn, post, read, read, wash, rinse, repeat, etc.

To give myself something else to do, I am on the giant gossip (car meets)  network known as Facebook. I really don't do much on there but catch up with friends and see who broke up with who, who deleted who, etc. Occasionally, I hit some gold mines.

Like a friend who ran away from an oppressive household. Through her, I found some interesting blogs that helped jump start my home-schooled, ever active, always thinking (maybe a earthly wave length either...), and ever questioning mind. I read a book called "No More Christian Nice Guy". That helped to plant a mustard seed. From that mustard seed is growing a plant of a renewing of my mind. But it needed water and minerals to grow healthy. Here comes blogs like The Commandments of Men and Incongruous Circumspection. Yowza!

From those little bits, followed by reading some sad blogs (known to the car world people as either ricers or the fast and the furious. Hatin' the impostors, love the movie.), I have decided to take what I already know, have been taught, have been told, experienced, gone through trial-and-error, plain flat out dumb stuff, and try to blog that journey.

Is this blog gonna be consistently posted? Maybe. It will be honest though.

To those who want to read up-lifting blogs, read my brides blog, Dramatic Elegance